Countable (Contemporary Business and Sustainability Science) is a peer-reviewed social science journal published with Aim and Scope in the fields of Management, Finance, Accounting, Corporate Governance, Corporate Sustainability, Business Communication, and Green Economics.
This journal is managed and published by IMAJI (Indonesian Journal Society Initiative). The publication of manuscripts in the journal is in English and is periodically published in March and September.
We hope that researchers can publish their best work in the journal IMAJI Contemporary Business and Sustainability Science.

  Journal Title : Countable (Contemporary Business and Sustainability Science)
Initials : Countable
Frequency : 2 times (March and September)
ISSN Online : 3063-0126
ISSN Print
Chief Editor Ade Maharini Adiandari
DOI Prefix -
Publisher : Inisiatif Masyarakat Jurnal Indonesia (IMAJI)
Accreditation -
Journal Indexing Copernicus, Google Scholar, Garuda, ROAD



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Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)
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